The FINAL final verdict?

So my last post turned into being a depressing (yet again stressful) couple of weeks. The ‘approval’ email we received from the lady we had never heard of was actually a Sales and Settlements Administrator emailing us to tell us that our design selections were approved. In hindsight, we probably should have realized there was something off when we didn’t hear from our loan processor.

So I called our loan processor, telling him how excited I was for the loan approval and wanted to know what we needed to do next. He sounded very confused and explained to me what happened. At that point, our application was still in underwriting and they needed MORE documentation. Good grief! We sent over more letters from John’s supervisor, paid off more debts, and had to spend a couple of days on the phone with the bank so that we could get copies of every check that John had received from his employer in 2014.

I got a call yesterday to let me know that our loan officer was going to have a conference with the underwriting department over our application and make a decision. Needless to say, I was waiting by the phone all morning, and when it rang my heart sank. The actual real moment was finally here. No more stressing over what the answer would be. THANKFULLY we actually are approved this time. I had to say it like 3 or 4 times until I accepted it and called my husband. Since he played with me one too many times during this whole ordeal, I decided to hold out the conversation. I would say something and pause. He kept saying “ANNNNDDD?!?” Sorry honey, I had to get my shot in.

So. Long process. 50 days of stress and crossing fingers. But it has been worth it. We are extremely blessed to have found a great community with in-house lending will to accept John’s income.

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